Thursday, August 06, 2015

Australian Galah sunning itself

Female Australian Galah sunning itself

The Australian parrot known as the Galah is one of many beautifully colourful birds we have in Australia. Also known as the Rose-breasted Cockatoo or just simply as a "cocky" this species is common throughout much of Australia and is easily recognisable by most Australians, even those who have little interest in birds. It is also a commonly kept pet bird and is able to be taught to say a few words.

This particular bird was sunning herself on the trunk of a large old gum tree (eucalypt tree) in the Laratinga Wetlands in Mt Barker, South Australia, a short drive from my home and about a half hour drive from the CBD of Adelaide. Below in another shot, complete with presumably the male cleaning out a hollow getting ready for nesting. I know the bird above is a female; they have red eyes while the males have brown or black eyes.

For more photos and stories about Australian birds go to my other site Trevor's Birding.

Female Galah parrot with the male in the hollow below

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